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Find the Best Alien Invansion stories through a handpicked selection of sample chapters and reviews! Each story is available exclusively on Galatea, an immersive reading platform available on iOS and Android.

I guerrieri di Torian

La terra è sotto attacco per mano di una mostruosa razza aliena che non brama altro che distruzione. Lilly e le sue sorelle più piccole vengono catturate e rischiano di morire… ma improvvisamente il meraviglioso re guerriero Bor giunge da un altro pianeta e le salva. La sua missione è quella di proteggere tutti gli umani, ma, ora che l’ha conosciuta, ha occhi solo per Lilly. Riuscirà a mantenere il suo impegno insieme al suo amore o dovrà sacrificare tutto per lei?

Età: 18+

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Torian Savaşçıları

Evrendeki en büyük galaktik gözlemevinin tiz sesli alarmları çaldı.

Göz, yüz binlerce yıl boyunca uçsuz bucaksız alanda yüzlerce ilkel uygarlığı izlemiş ve yüzlerce türün ilerlemesini, evrim geçirmesini ve yıkılmasını incelemişti.

Şu anda alarmlar, evrenin sunduğu en büyük beyinler tarafından izlenen ilkel dünyalardan birine saldırı olduğuna dair uyarıyordu.

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Die Torianischen Krieger

Die Erde wird von einer Rasse monströser Außerirdischer angegriffen, die nichts anderes wollen als die totale Vernichtung der Menschheit. Lilly und ihre jüngere Schwester sind mittendrin und sehen dem sicheren Tod ins Auge … bis der großartige Kriegerkönig Bor von einem anderen Planeten kommt und sie rettet. Seine Aufgabe ist es, alle Menschen zu beschützen, aber jetzt hat er nur noch Augen für Lilly. Wird seine Pflicht der Liebe im Weg stehen, oder wird er alles für sie opfern?

Altersfreigabe: 18+

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Война Торианцев

Земля под нападением расы чудовищных пришельцев, которые не хотят ничего, кроме полного уничтожения человечества. Лилли и ее младшая сестра оказываются в центре событий, и им грозит верная смерть … пока великолепный король-воин Бор не прибывает с другой планеты и не спасает их. Его миссия – защищать всех людей, но теперь он не может думать ни о чем, кроме Лили. Будет ли его долг стоять на пути любви или он пожертвует всем ради нее?

Возрастной рейтинг: 18+

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Los guerreros Torian

La Tierra está siendo atacada por una raza de monstruosos alienígenas que sólo quieren la destrucción total de la humanidad. Lilly y su hermana pequeña están atrapadas en medio de todo eso y se enfrentan a una muerte segura… hasta que el magnífico Rey Guerrero Bor llega desde otro planeta y las salva. Su misión es proteger a todos los humanos, pero ahora sólo tiene ojos para Lilly. ¿Se interpondrá su deber en el camino del amor, o lo sacrificará todo por ella?

Calificación por edades: 18+

Autora original: Natalie Le Roux

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The Torian Warriors

Ang Earth ay nasa atake galing sa isang lahi ng mga nakakatakot na alien na walang gusto kundi patayin ang mga tao sa mundo. Si Lilly at ang mga kapatid niya ay naipit sa gitna nito at hinaharap ang kamatayan…hanggang sa dumating ang gwapo na warrior na hari na si Bor galing sa ibang planeta at ililigtas sila. Ang mission niya ay protektahan ang lahat na tao, pero nakatingin na siya ngayon kay Lilly. Magiging sagabal ba ang duty niya sa pag-ibig, o ibibigay niya ang lahat para sa kanya?

Rating ng Edad: 18+

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Guerriers Torians

La Terre est attaquée par une race d’extraterrestres monstrueux qui ne veulent rien d’autre que la destruction totale de l’humanité. Lilly et sa jeune soeur sont prises en plein milieu et risquent une mort certaine… jusqu’à ce que le magnifique roi guerrier Bor arrive d’une autre planète et les sauve. Sa mission est de protéger tous les humains, mais il n’a d’yeux que pour Lilly. Son devoir s’opposera-t-il à l’amour, ou sacrifiera-t-il tout pour elle ?

Classification par âge : 18+

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Os Guerreiros de Torian

A terra está sob o ataque de uma raça de alienígenas monstruosos que têm um único objetivo: A total destruição da humanidade. Lilly e sua irmã mais nova acabam no meio da confusão e estão condenadas à morte certa… Até que o encantador guerreiro Rei Bor chega de outro planeta e as salva. Sua missão é proteger todos os humanos, mas agora ele só tem olhos para Lilly. Será que o dever vai falar mais alto, ou ele vai sacrificar tudo por ela?

Classficação etária: 18+

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Eve thought her trip to Brazil would be an amazing adventure—she’d see some exotic wildlife, meet unique and awe-inspiring people, and enjoy the local cuisine. What she didn’t count on was being captured by aliens and thrown into a prison surrounded by all kinds of animals and creatures from across the universe. The thing is, she’s not the only intelligent life-form in there… just wait until she meets Ardaxur, the sexiest thing she’s ever laid eyes on.

Age Rating: 18+

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Lilly’s King

Earth is under attack from a race of monstrous aliens who want nothing more than the total destruction of humanity. Lilly and her younger sister are caught right in the middle of it and are facing certain death…until the gorgeous warrior king Bor arrives from another planet and saves them. His mission is to protect all humans, but now he only has eyes for Lilly. Will his duty stand in the way of love, or will he sacrifice everything for her?

Age Rating: 18+

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