Discover Holiday Best Sellers

Find the Best Holiday stories through a handpicked selection of sample chapters and reviews! Each story is available exclusively on Galatea, an immersive reading platform available on iOS and Android.

Мой Ковбой

Отец Коры, бросивший ее много лет назад, оставляет девушке огромное наследство. Но есть одна загвоздка! Она должна целый год жить в глуши и содержать его ранчо. Городская девушка в провинции чувствует себя не в своей тарелке. Но когда она встречает Хаэля, сексуального ковбоя, который работает на ее ранчо, деревенская жизнь становится намного интереснее…

Возрастной рейтинг: 18+

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Mon Cowboy

Le père de Cora, alors qu’ils n’étaient pas proches, lui laisse un énorme héritage, mais il y a un hic ! Elle doit entretenir son ranch au milieu de nulle part pendant une année entière. Une fille de la ville dans une petite ville, elle ne pourrait pas se sentir moins à sa place. Mais lorsqu’elle rencontre Hael, le cow-boy sexy qui travaille dans son ranch, la vie à la campagne devient beaucoup plus excitante…

Age Rating: 18+

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Meu Caubói

O pai ausente de Cora lhe deixa uma grande herança, mas há um problema! Ela tem que cuidar do rancho dele no meio do nada por um ano inteiro. Uma garota da cidade em uma cidade pequena, ela não poderia se sentir mais deslocada. Mas quando ela conhece Hael, o cowboy sexy que trabalha em seu rancho, a vida no campo fica muito mais emocionante…

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Mi cowboy

El padre de Cora, con quien no mantiene apenas relación, le deja una enorme herencia, pero hay una trampa. Tiene que mantener su rancho en medio de la nada durante un año entero. Una chica de ciudad en un pueblo pequeño, no podría sentirse más fuera de lugar. Pero cuando conoce a Hael, el sexy cowboy que trabaja en su rancho, la vida en el campo se vuelve mucho más emocionante…

Calificación por edades: 18+

Autora original: Tinkerbelle Leonhardt

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Journey’s End

For Stella, loving Nate Miller is as obvious and necessary as breathing. She’s been madly in love with him since she was twelve, but as he was five years older and the high-school football star, he never saw her as anything other than a little sister. Now they’re both grown up and Stella still feels the same way, but this time Nate feels something too… Only problem is he’s using her to be on a TV show!

Age Rating: 18+

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Wanting the Man

Andrea has spent most of her life focusing on her future. She was a straight-A student in school, and has never partied or done anything to shame herself or her family. Now she’s one of the most ambitious accountants working for the brilliant CEO Josh Wood. Everything is going as planned—until someone leaks NSFW pictures of her in the CEO’s office during the staff Christmas party. She has no memory of the night, though. It can’t be her, but how does she convince her boss of this?

Age Rating: 18+

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Mein Cowboy

Coras entfremdeter Vater hinterlässt ihr eine riesige Erbschaft, aber es gibt einen Haken! Sie muss seine Ranch mitten im Nirgendwo ein ganzes Jahr lang instand halten. Als Großstadtmädchen in einer kleinen Stadt könnte sie sich nicht mehr fehl am Platz fühlen. Aber als sie Hael kennenlernt, den sexy Cowboy, der auf ihrer Ranch arbeitet, wird das Landleben plötzlich um einiges aufregender…

Altersfreigabe: 18+

Autorin: Tinkerbelle Leonhardt

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My Cowboy

Cora’s estranged father leaves her a massive inheritance, but there’s a catch! She has to maintain his ranch in the middle of nowhere for a full year. A city girl in a small town, she couldn’t feel more out of place. But when she meets Hael, the sexy cowboy who works on her ranch, country life gets a lot more exciting…

Age Rating: 18+

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Man of the Match

Twenty-one-year-old student Cara has run away to Sri Lanka. It’s the only thing she could think to do when she discovered her boyfriend was cheating on her. A holiday fling is the last thing on her mind, but then she meets Matt, a tall and very handsome Englishman. The only problem is that Matt is famous—extremely famous in fact—and he has an equally famous girlfriend.

Age Rating: 18+

Note: This story is the author’s original version and does not have sound.

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