Books written by Katie Hines

Here is the list of all novels by Katie Hines which are available to read on Galatea. Read the first two chapters below for free, or download Galatea on iOS or Android to access the full books.


Evelyn is not your traditional werewolf. In fact, as a wolf-human hybrid, she’s not your traditional anything! On her twentieth birthday though, Evelyn faces one tradition she can’t ignore: finding her destined mate. Evelyn isn’t thrilled—that is, until she feels strangely drawn to the unbelievably sexy Alpha Alex, who arrives at their pack after ten years away. But her pure-wolf (and pure-snooty) half sister Tessa also has eyes for the dreamboat, and she’s used to getting her way!

Age Rating: 18+

Note: This story is the author’s original version and does not have sound.

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