Her Reluctant Warrior - Book cover

Her Reluctant Warrior

S Mertesdorf

Chapter 2


Two and a half hours later, Paul opens his eyes as the sound of the truck engine slows down. He tries to shift his knee and grimaces at the numbness.

In his arms, Emily Taylor sleeps. It amazes him. Given what happened, he didn’t expect her to relax, much less sleep.

Unable to resist, he reaches down and pushes dirty hair away from her face. Even in the dim light, he can see the shades of purple and green.

Assholes. If only he could get his hands on them again.

She shifts in her sleep, her fingers digging into his sides.


He twists his head to find Joe sitting next to him. The master chief gives him a look that brooks no arguments. “We’re almost there. She has to be strapped down on the helicopter.”

Paul nods. “I’ll see it done.”

Joe cuffs him on the shoulder, then stands and moves away. “Get ready. We’re almost to the evac site.”

That’s his cue. Rubbing her back, he whispers, “Emily…”

A moan escapes her as she awakens. Abruptly, she jumps in his arms. Ready for it, he tightens his hold on her. “Emily, remember me? You’re safe here.”

At the sound of his voice, she relaxes against him.

He continues to rub her back. “Hey, we’re almost to the evacuation site. From there, we’re taking a helicopter to our base.”

Her fingers move against him, letting him know she’s listening. Time for the bad news. “Emily, we need to strap you down on a stretcher when we get on the helicopter. It’s for your safety.”

The trembling and sudden heavy breathing tell him exactly what she thinks of that idea.

“Sorry, this is one rule my team leader will not break. I’ll stay by you the whole time.”

The truck comes to a stop, and Joe calls, “Everyone out.”

As his team leaves the back of the truck, Paul pulls Emily around so she sits on his lap. After ensuring the blanket still covers her, he lifts her up as he clambers to his feet.

With the blood rushing into his legs and the feeling of pins and needles gripping him, he resists the urge to groan.

“Need a hand, Ryan?”

He finds his chief standing at the open door, waiting for him.

He walks to the end. “I’d say yes, but I have a feeling she won’t let anyone else carry her.”

“Legs a little numb?”

“Not if I keep moving.”

“Smart-ass. Don’t drop her as you’re getting down.”

He sits down on the edge of the ramp and slips down the rest of the way. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

“Experience is a bitch.”

Paul chuckles as they walk together toward the helicopter. They keep up the chitchat. It has the desired effect. Emily’s grip on him loosens as they near the helicopter.

He appreciates the effort Joe is making. It’s helping the woman in his arms remain calm.

When he reaches the copter, he climbs up and approaches the waiting gurney. “Okay, Emily. I’m going to lay you down and put some straps on you. Remember, it’s only for your safety. Nothing bad will happen.”

She stiffens as he settles her on the stretcher on top of the gurney and reaches over for the straps. Doc approaches the bottom, his hands reaching for the straps near her legs.

“Keep her arms free.”

Doc nods to him and goes to work. In no time, they have her secured to the stretcher with straps over her legs, hips, stomach, and chest.

Paul glances down to find tears sliding down her cheeks. He wipes them away with his fingers. “Hey, it’s all right. I’m right here beside you.”

“Here, put these on her.”

He accepts a headset and holds it up for Emily to see. “I’m going to put these on you. It gets kind of loud otherwise.”

He places the headset over her ears, then goes to the other side and settles beside her. She grabs at him, her fingers digging into his waist.

He takes her hand in his and leans over so she can see him and mouths, “I’m here.”

As the helo’s engines start, Paul grips onto the side of the gurney.

This part of the journey won’t be any more comfortable than the truck ride with the way he’s sitting, but it’s worth it if it keeps Miss Taylor calm.


The tips of his fingers tingle from the loss of sensation. The hand gripping his squeezes even harder as the helicopter lands on the tarmac.

Paul squeezes her hand back, the best he can with numb fingers.

The side door opens, and the men jump down. Doc and Mick appear at either end of the stretcher. Paul nods to them and leans over Emily to smile at her.

Doc removes her headset, and Paul says, “We’ve reached the base. You’re safe, Emily.”

Her lips move, but she doesn’t speak. A tear escapes and slides down into her matted hair. The hand gripping his tightens even more, if possible.

Paul walks with Doc and Mick as they lift the stretcher and carry it off the helicopter.

The waiting ambulance crew meets them halfway across the tarmac. They set the stretcher on top of the gurney and work on strapping it in place.

Paul smiles down at Emily once more. “Good luck to you, Emily Taylor.”

He pulls his hand away, only for her to cry out and reach for him again. Her hand flails at him, trying to grab onto something, anything.

Taking her hand, he leans over. “Emily, you’re safe now. These men will take you to the hospital.”

She grips his hand even harder and begins to tremble with tears sliding out of her eyes.

Wiping away the tears with his free hand, he keeps his tone calm. “I can’t go any farther with you, Emily. You’re safe with these men.”

Joe appears beside the gurney on the other side. “Her sister is waiting for her at the hospital.”

“Hear that, Emily? Your sister is waiting for you.”

The tears continue to slide out of her eyes, but the grip on his hand loosens.

He pulls his hand away and nods to the paramedics. The gurney moves away from him. Her hand raises in the air again, as if searching for him.

He stands on the tarmac and watches while they load her into the ambulance. The doors close, and the ambulance drives away.

A hand clamps onto his shoulder. He looks back to find Joe smiling at him.

“Come on, we’ve earned some sleep, a hot shower, and a beer or two. Not necessarily in that order.”

Paul nods and walks with his teammate across the tarmac to the waiting truck. It’s been a long mission, and he’s more than ready for that beer.

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