The Alphas Fated Mate - Book cover

The Alphas Fated Mate

A. Oliver

Chapter 2


The garden glows under the reflection of the fairy lights in the snow, making it look like a sheet of glitter covers the ground. The sky is clear, and the blue moon shines down on us. We all take a moment to look up and take in the magnificent sight.

My mom hugs me tight. “I know you will be fine, honey. Remember, when you are in the clearing deep in the woods, remove your dress and speak to your wolf. She will take over. It’s not the most comfortable feeling, but it gets easier after the first shift.”

She kisses my cheek as I smile at her. “Now go, run and be free.”

“If you’re not back within the hour, I will track you down, brat,” my brother pipes up.

Carly hits his chest. I smile at her, and she winks at me and mimes the words I love you.

I take a deep breath and head into the woods. The forest is eerily quiet and dark, but the moonlight reflects on the snow and illuminates the path.

I continue forward, and eventually the dense trees open to a clearing. It’s fairly large with a small pool of water that is iced over.

I take a deep breath and remove my dress, placing it on the bench that looks over the water. I stand naked, bearing my all. As the bitter cold starts to take over my body, I place my hands on my chest and close my eyes. I drift into my mind, looking for my wolf.

“I know you’re here, wolf, I can feel your warmth. Come forward. Show yourself and become one with me.”

My inner core begins to warm as tingles flow through my body. Low vibrations rock me off my feet, and I kneel on the ground. There’s a twinge of pain as my body starts to writhe and contort.

I won’t lie, the pain is agonizing. I feel like I want to stop, but it’s too late for that. Fur springs from my skin; my perfectly manicured hands contorting into paws and claws.

The pain is unbearable. I need to stop. I can’t do it. Please, please stop!

Suddenly, the pain is over. All my senses are heightened. I can hear the water flowing under the ice. Where there were dark shadows before, I now see defined shapes. The snow under my feet is no longer cold, but a slight tickle against my paws. It’s nice.

I take my first steps and make my way to the icy pool. I look into the naturally formed mirror of the ice. A pure white wolf with deep blue eyes stares back at me. She is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.

I release a howl, knowing my family and friends will hear and know that I am okay.

My wolf tilts her head to the side, staring at me through the ice. As I look back, I smile to myself as I take in her magnificent features.

Hello, Athena.

Without warning, a deep growl reverberates through the clearing. All my senses tell me it’s not someone I know. There’s no comfort in the sound; it’s dangerous, and I feel on edge.

Athena’s hackles rise as she slowly turns and looks into the shadows. And there it is, a large black wolf with glowing green eyes, staring at us. Athena stands in a protective stance, preparing to stand her ground and fight.

That’s my girl,” I say to her triumphantly as the wolf stares back at us. “~But we shouldn’t pick fights during our first shift. We are not strong enough to go up against such a large wolf. Let’s go run.~”

She growls and shows her teeth to the black wolf, warning him to keep away as we turn and run.

He doesn’t flinch. But why would he? He’s twice our size.

I don’t recognize him. In the past, I would have been scared in the presence of an unknown wolf, but with Athena, I know I’ll be fine.


I follow the white wolf at a distance, not wanting to let her out of my sight. It’s the girl from the coffee shop, and I feel inexplicitly drawn to her.

Earlier today, I respected her bravery for standing up to me. Usually, nobody dares to do that. The typical response to me is to cower and run.

But she was different. She refused to back down. My wolf liked that. It showed strength that not many have.

Tyson and I stealthily watched as she broke away from the group in Sebastian’s garden and made her way into the woods alone. Without thinking twice, we followed.

When her body began to morph into her wolf, it was clear it was her first shift. Pain radiated from her, and Tyson whimpered at the sight. Strange, I thought to myself. Tyson usually doesn’t react to other wolves like that.

But then she howled, and I couldn’t help but stare in awe. She stood proud and tall, howling at the moon. A magnificent white wolf. Short, like her human, but emanating a power few wolves have.

Tyson rumbled deep in his throat at the sight of her, and we were caught under her gaze, her growl warning us to stay back.

I was confused in the moment. We were far back, at a distance that only those with our lycan ability would be able to see or hear us.

And then she was gone, running through the woods.

Without thinking, Tyson chased after her.

We keep a large space between us. If she can sense us behind her, she doesn’t show it. Her wolf is free, playful. She jumps in piles of snow only to shake off the white flakes from her fur.

She sniffs at every rabbit hole, paws at the base of trees, and weaves through low-hanging branches. When there’s a break in the tree cover, she lifts her muzzle and closes her eyes, basking in the rays of the moon.

Eventually, she makes her way back to the clearing and shifts to her human form.

I fight back the howl Tyson desperately wants to unleash. This is not the same little girl we followed into the woods. This is now a woman. She pulls her dress over her head, swallowing her curves, but the sight of her naked body is burned into my memory.

And then she’s gone, heading back to Sebastian’s house.

Tyson and I stand there for a moment, trying to work out what just happened. I’ll see you again, little one, I think, and Tyson growls in agreement.

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