Yes, Mr Knight - Book cover

Yes, Mr Knight

Natalie Roche

Give Me Strength


I’ve been slaving for Mr. Knight all day.

Not the father—the son.

Since I had caught him and Jen, he’d had me running around like a headless chicken. His way of punishing me.

It was quite clear that he had it in for me now, and I was not all that fond of him either.

Personal assistant? More like a personal slave.

Mr. Knight—the father, not the son—walked up to my desk, a kind smile on his face.

“Are you okay, Jamie?” he asked. “You seem a little tense.”

“I’m fine, Mr. Knight,” I said. “Just a long day.”

“Please, just Harry is fine.”

I smiled back at him. How could father and son be so different?

“Jamie!” Mason called across the office. Speak of the devil. “I need two coffees for myself and my client. Be quick about it!”

I had to force myself to not roll my eyes while Harry was right in front of me.

“You sure you’re okay?” Harry asked, looking between me and Mason. Could he feel the tension between us even on opposite sides of the office?

“Yup, totally fine Harry. Do you need anything else?”

“No, I’m fine darling, thank you.” He gave me another encouraging smile before frowning in the direction of his son and walking towards his own office. The father was a joy to work for. The son on the other hand…

“Jamie! Where’s that coffee?”

The rest of the day went by like that. I tried to get my work done while Mason just kept piling on more things for me to do. The hours blurred by, and before I knew it, the day ended.

Well, not for me.

I still had a few things to do for Mr. Jerkface.

My phone rang on the desk beside my computer. I glanced down and saw it was from Ethan.

“ETA?” he asked, not even saying hello.

“Maybe thirty minutes? I told you I’d probably be late…”

“Well, we’re at Lacey’s already and there’s a drink here with your name on it. Hurry up!”

Impatient much?

“I’ll get there as soon as I can.”

“Don’t rush her!” I heard Carmen chime in the background. “She’s getting freak-ay!”

“I am not!” I had to do a few last checks on a report. If there was even a comma out of place, I was certain that Mason would give me hell for it.

“Well, hurry. Carmen’s only had one and she’s already being a huge pain in my ass.”

Ethan chuckled. I could hear Carmen’s cheery voice in the background. Those two…

“All right, soon. You’re not going to believe the nightmare of a day I’ve had. I have so much to—”

I was interrupted by the clearing of a throat behind me.

Oh crap.

I turned and saw him standing by my desk, arms folded as usual, the most pissed-off expression on his face.

My heart was racing, my cheeks scorching.

“Er, I have to go, see you soon.”

I hung up the phone before Ethan even had the chance to reply. I stood on shaky legs, not knowing what to say or do.

“Is—is everything okay, Mr. Knight?”

He glared at me for a few seconds.

“I’m going to need you to stay a little longer, Jamie. There’s something that needs doing for Monday morning.”


“But you what? Have better things to do than save your brand-new job? Don’t make the mistake of getting on my bad side twice in one day, Jamie. It won’t end well for you.”

The prick! He’s punishing me big-time!

I really need this job and he knows it. I’m under his thumb.

“Okay, um, sure. I can stay.”

He handed me a small binder.

“Fifty copies. I’m sure you’re okay with that. And make it snappy, I’ve got appointments for you to set up afterward.”

I mustered a smile, trying to show that I wasn’t bothered by him, which of course I was.

Give me strength!

An hour later I walked across the office with a stack of papers in my arms so high I had to peer around them to see where I was going.

Juggling the stack of papers, I knocked on Mr. Knight’s door. I hoped to God I didn’t face his wrath again today.

“Come in!”

I was sure he knew I had a stack of files but decided not to get up and open the door to help me.

I fiddled with the handle until I eventually got it open and pushed it the rest of the way with my bum.

I was sweating as I turned around and walked toward him.

“I see you’ve learned your lesson.” He leaned forward in his chair with a smirk. “I guess there’s hope for you after all.”

“Well, I’m not one to make the same mistake twice.” I set the files down in front of him on the dark wooden desk. “I made fifty-five copies just in case.”

It was taking all the willpower I had in me just to be nice to him.

His eyes scanned the stack of papers. “I thought it looked like a lot. Your little arms must be tired after some hard work.”


Couldn’t I report him for the way he’s treating me?

That didn’t work out for me with my last boss, though…

I took a booklet from the top and leaned forward slightly, placing it down in front of him.

“So this bit here, I did it in bold to draw more attention.”

“Well, you’re certainly drawing my attention.”

Mr. Knight’s smirk was still firmly in place.

“Did you mean to leave that button open?”

He pointed to my blouse with the pen he was holding.

I looked down and noticed my white blouse was gaping between buttons, putting my baby-blue bra on show.

I mean, it wasn’t as if it was avoidable; I was right in front of him.

“Oh!” I straightened up and fixed the gap.

“Did you do that…for my benefit?”

He sat back in his chair, his eyes scanning my body.

“They’re just breasts. I’ve seen plenty of them. I am a man!”

I’m sure he has, of all shapes and sizes. The last pair he saw were Jen’s, and he looked like he was getting a right handful.

I folded my arms over my chest. “Do you need anything else from me? Or is it okay that I leave?”

Please tell me I can leave. I beg of you.

“I don’t need you for anything else. You did better than I thought. I was expecting you to be useless.”

Don’t rise to him, Jamie.

“See you Monday morning, then.”

I strode out, grabbed my things from behind my desk, and left in a hurry, before he could change his mind.


“I’m so sorry I’m late, forgive me!” I pleaded as I slid into the booth beside Carmen, who sipped Jack and Coke through a straw.

Ethan moved a wineglass across the table toward me.

“Been nearly two hours, what kept you so long?”

“Mason Knight had me do some photocopying because I caught him banging Jen from finance in his office.”

I picked up the wineglass, taking a well-deserved drink after a long, hard, draining day.

“That lucky bitch,” murmured Carmen. “What’s she got that I haven’t?”

“Huge tits,” I replied. “But trust me, you don’t want that man. He’s a prick with zero respect for anyone.”

“Oh, I don’t need him to respect me, I just need him to pleasure me. I want to see what he’s like without a stitch of clothing on.”

She winked at me.

“Maybe you can bring me to that Christmas party?”

“I’m not allowed to, it’s just staff.”

I set the glass back down on the table.

“I don’t think I’m going to go anyway, not even for the drinks and buffet.”

Office Christmas parties were not my thing.

“You have to go, Jamie,” Ethan protested. “You can’t miss a party at Knight & Son. I hear there’s going to be strippers on poles and wads of cash given to everyone who shows.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll think about it and decide next week.”

I wasn’t interested, but I knew I needed to make more of an effort to get to know the people I worked with.

Besides the fact that I want to stay on Harry’s good side.

And Mason’s.

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